Tuesday, January 8, 2013

GOALS at this time

There are so many reasons I want to be at a healthy weight. I want to feel better, have some energy to just walk around. Not be the always tired mom. My family is number one. I want my kids to feel better and have an active lifestyle. I can't teach them to be active and think outdoor stuff is fun, if I am never active.

A few of my goals:
1) A1C of 5 - diabetic number for blood sugars
2)Run a 5K
3)Be able to wear super cute mommy clothes
4)Be able to swim 500 yards with no fins
5)Teach my family how to stay healthy

One day when my last baby is grown and busy, I hope to be able to get back into working in fitness, helping others live a healthy lifestyle and especially how to train your kids from the beginning on good eating and exercise. I want it to just be a way of life, no big thing, just what we do and share that with others. 


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