Sunday, January 13, 2013


The grilled artichokes and 3 CHICKEN lettuce tacos won! I didn't even need the cow meat. I did smell the cheesecake chocolate thing next to me.
The coffee was smelling the best, but at dinner, I wouldn't have been able to sleep. 
Even though I ordered my artichockes with no sauce, some kinda sauce came in a bowl on the side. I looked at it, thought about it, did not taste it and passed it down the table far, far away from me. I wanted to just taste it. But, if it was good, it would have been my downfall. 
Thanks Jamie for taking it away. Away. Away. And, for letting me sniff your food.  

It was a really fun dinner :-) YaY me. 

The next day, on the way home - oh yeah, after my car wouldn't start - we did stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch and I had a big cow. I mean beef. I think all that planning and thinking I would have the steak, well, I just had to have it. The waitress asked ever so sweetly, "would you like some A1 with that?" Well, heck ya, I would. But instead, I said, oh no thank you, I'm good. 

Some of my workout plans for the week are not going to workout, ha. My car is going to have to find a way to the shop. Not starting again. (the car)
This is life, so I better figure out something. 

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