Thursday, February 21, 2013

4 Week Physio-Graphs and Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude. Today, I am feeling really grateful for being in this challenge. In a little while, we will be having our four week Physio-Graphs. It is very exciting to see how my body has been changing and to get a chance to look at it on paper.
Better than anything, is the way I feel. I have so much energy - too much for some (Spencer). I can stand up. I used to take the kids to the playground and just standing or taking slow steps was so hard, I just wanted to sit down, or better yet, go home.
This week, I was swinging and pumping my legs, like for 20 minutes and nothing hurt. My butt fit on the swing, I could pump, I could cross my legs and pump. So easy. For fun, I did superman flys with my stomach on the swing.

I stood on a skateboard while it moved. Note, I didn't say ride a skateboard, don't think it counted as riding. I had some balance and had the wheels moving on some flat surfaces at the skate park. It's been like at least 20 years since I have been on a skateboard. 

All of the training I have done in and out of the gym have made a huge difference in my health. I am so thankful to Sweat Life Fitness and Giggle Magazine for choosing me to be part of this awesome trip. I am even more thankful for all the trainers, GroupFit class members, and everyone that has encourage me to keep going, or even to start. Dan and Kyle have been so great and really kept me going with everything, workouts, reps, running, nutrition, making me want to push myself much further than I would have imagined. 

I definitely want to help others feel this healthy. If you are one of those people that have asked, how do you do it, I want your plan, I wish I could..... ask me, I am happy to share with you. Email me, call me, ask me to meet you for a workout. I know how hard it is with kids, windows of time are short, everyone is so busy. I am not at my personal goal, but I know how to start. I can help you start too, ask me. I will encourage you, I will meet you to workout. 



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