Sunday, February 17, 2013

Christian's Journey

This is Christian. He loves Power Rangers and the Red Ranger. I have been telling him we are training, like the rangers, this has finally made it of interest to him. 
Power Rangers don't eat at McDonalds. They train on walks, train their bikes, run a little. Don't eat junk food. They eat their veggies and fruit. We are trying to make out stomachs smaller, like the rangers.

His plan is walking home from school, although, it requires so much patience. It takes over an hour to walk all the way home and he stops so many times. I have changed it to us getting dropped off at the front of the neighborhood and walking to help him build up. He is training his bike, not so far yet. He is swimming two days a week.
Then, the really hard thing for Mommy is to just make time and do this for him. Yes, yes, it is so much easier to stay home, take the car to pick up, do everything else that needs to be done in the day for the family. 

We have been going to the playground, skatepark, walking home, etc. It's hard but I have to do this for him. Snacks are a big one. He did his first outing at the 5 Points of Life with his school. I started having doubts the couple of days before. Sometimes, getting out with so many people is super hard and he gets overwhelmed and does things like walk off. It was hard, but with Spencer's help, we did it and got him to the race. 

He started the last mile of his marathon that he has been tracking. The kids were all running and he ran about 6-10 steps and then decided, no , he didn't want to do this. He found a friend in a wheelchair and he pushed him to the finish - the back , short way and we watched the runners come through. After a little bit, he decided he wanted to run and he did, in fact, run through the finish line and get his medal. That was it, then he sat down and we went head to head for the next 30 minutes while we waited to see about awards for the school. Yay, his school was the winner with the most kids? they got $1000. I am so glad he was able to be part of this even if he didn't do his last mile at that time. He is still training and we are looking for some good health from him. 

Pictures of his progress. He said I could post his pictures. The first ones are of his first day walk home, and it was hot, so he took off his shirt.

gross green smoothie he didn't like
 5 Points of Life yesterday

 First day walking home
 another walk home

 eating his second dinner with family
 wanted McDonalds, got clemtines and he loved them, ate two
 his turkey burger snack after school
 another walk home

 skate park getting active

 5 points morning

 smoothie he made with blueberries, parsley, almond milk unsweet
 5 years leukemia free, thank you for everyone's blood donations

 skate park
 5 points school winners
 i thought it was funny how he lined up his peels on the car window
 starting the decline of behavior yesterday

 December 7th, 2012
 Dec 7

 June 2012

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